Early Beta

Human assistant + AI done right.

Instantly delegate work or personal tasks to skilled EAs empowered by AI.

who this is for

For busy professionals who need one more thing done this week

Jack Evins

Founder, Series A fintech startup
Source 50 potential job candidates on LinkedIn
Plan our Q3 company offsite
Get quotes from contractors to repair the bathroom leak

Isabella Young

CEO, Education tech nonprofit
Compare local grants and sponsorships
Find summer camps for kids
Research NY State employer requirements

Sophia Peanasky

Co-founder, marketing agency
Find emails for 200 sales prospects
Upload my receipts into a team expense account
Find co-working desk in Taipei

Go from overwhelmed to delegated in less than 5.

Describe a task you need done this week

Data entry? Research? Last-minute weekend planning? Our AI will turn your problem into a step-by-step, delegation-ready request.

Instantly delegate it to a dedicated human EA

No log in, no monthly commitment. Just confirm what you want to delegate, and you’re all set. We've got the assignment and quality control.

Get proactive updates from your assistant

A knowledgeable Double assistant is immediately assigned and briefed on your task.

Request completed!

Your EA will confirm their ETA, share what they've completed, and ask for your feedback. Enjoy the peace of mind!

powered by ai

Explain anything with clarity, speed, and ease, with DoubleGPT as your delegation concierge

thoughtful effort with a human touch

Quality executive assistants that go above and beyond

A woman is shown on a website with a guide to New York State employer requirements.A woman with glasses is shown on a website.

If you can imagine it, we've done it before

Build prospecting lists
Research and evaluate vendors/tools
Plan social media posts
Find holiday gifts
Plan a team activity
Find local volunteer options
Ordering office supplies
Find and book a doctor’s appointment
Create a daily schedule for me
Find profiles to outreach on LinkedIn
Research and plan a company outing
Compare gyms and fitness classes
How long does it take to delegate something?
Depending on the task, and how much instruction you want to share with a Double assistant, delegating a task from start to finish takes most people 3-15 minutes.
How much does it cost?
Once you've defined the task you're delegating, you will have the option to select the number of tokens you want to purchase for the task.

Each Double token costs $30, and is equivalent to a "small" request taking about half an hour - such as doing simple research or comparisons, and making straightforward reservations.

For more complex tasks that take over an hour - like building a list, large data entry, or other multi-day projects, you can purchase additional tokens, making your total $60 for a medium task, or $90+ for multi-day projects.
How fast can I expect my assistant to get things done?
We try our best to assign every task immediately, to the most qualified Double for the request.

Within 24 business hours, a Double will review and confirm starting to work on your task, sharing their ETA and any follow-up questions they may have for you via email. Depending on the scope of the task, an experienced assistant may take anywhere between a few hours, to a few days, to fully complete the task. Please note that work-life balance is a priority in our company culture, and that we do not encourage assistants to be on-call over weekends and holidays.

For complex tasks, or requests that require more specialized expertise, the assistant assigned to your task may send you drafts or concise follow-up communication to keep you updated on their progress.
What if an EA makes a mistake on my request?
Each task you delegate will be performed by a skilled Double assistant to the best of their abilities, and reviewed by a member of our team.

If you find that a task is partially completed, or in need of a revision, you can easily request reasonable additional work to your Double assistant to get the quality work you deserve!

Depending on the task, a Double assistant may not be able to guarantee a specific result, such as obtaining a tricky reservation for an event or venue, or booking/cancelling services on your behalf. In the event that an assistant cannot accept your task for any reason, we will issue a refund for services not rendered.

Double assistants are based in the US, Canada, and France. Each assistant is meticulously vetted for their experience and skills before onboarding to support clients at Double, and receive ongoing industry and security training.
Do I get to choose the EA that works on my project?
We take care of assigning your task and performing quality control checks. This means you don’t have to vet the assistant candidates, or negotiate their rate and scope of work yourself!

Each task is assigned to a Double assistant well-equipped to handle your specific request in a timely manner, for a standardized fee.
What if I want a part-time or full-time EA?
If you’re looking for a dedicated EA for ongoing support, sign up for a monthly plan at Double. You’ll be matched with a Double assistant with a set of specific industry experience, skillset, and other attributes you’re looking for, local to your timezone.
A man's face is shown on a button that says "Find and book a doctor's appointment."

Ready to delegate?

Offload your to-do list to skilled executive assistants today.